Guidewires - Urology

Guidewires - Urology
Olympus guidewires are engineered to ensure rapid access, easy advancement, smooth tracking, and maximum maneuverability. They help maintain precise control at every step of the procedure. Olympus guidewires are available in a variety of core materials, coatings, tips, and sizes—ensuring the right combination of torque, lubricity, and visibility for optimum results.
Product Support
Olympus guidewires are available in a variety of core materials, coatings, tips, and sizes.Olympus urology guidewire designs include: GLIDEWIRE® Urologic Hydrophilic Coated Guidewire, UltraTrack, SureGlide®, Quattro™, Bentson, PTFE-Coated, and Amplatz. For detailed specifications or to determine the appropriate device for your needs, please contact customer service for assistance.
Olympus Training & Proper Use
Olympus Continuum, is a comprehensive platform of education and training experiences led by healthcare experts from around the world. Learning opportunities include hands-on courses, online learning, lectures and workshops, peer-to-peer training, accredited continuing education, and on-demand learning.
For more information: Olympus Continuum Video